The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which [is] done is that which shall be]done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun. 10 Is there [any] thing whereof it may be said, See, this [is] new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. 11 [There is] no remembrance of former [things;] neither shall there be [any] remembrance of [things] that are to come with [those] that shall come after.​
(Ecclesiastes 1:9-11)
Some forms of government:
The government creates a state church and all citizens become part of the congregation.
Examples: England's Anglican, Germany's Lutheran, Italy's Catholic.
Problems: Those who are put in charge of interpretation can take control of an uneducated people.
Christian Monarch:
The king or queen is a Christian, but there is no state religion.
Problems: Bring false converts as it becomes a popular thing to be a Christian. The king can carry too much pull when it comes to the religious choices and this can easily lead to a state church. Constantine is an example of this; he did not create a state church, but his influence affected his pagan subjects, and his successor created a state religion built on his foundation.
The Lord Protector of the Commonwealth:
This was an attempt to Christianize England's government by protestants, it only lasted for two reigimes, as the people wanted a king again. The idea is you set someone up to protect the wealth of the people; he is supposed to have a heart toward the people because he is a manager of another's wealth and protector of another's land.
God is ruler of the nation, none exist today.
The nation of Israel was a Theocracy where the Torah was followed and prophets and judges were set up by the Lord to warn and correct the people. The Kingdom of Heaven is a Theocracy, but the citizens are outside their home country of Heaven.
This system requires a Covenant.
This system relied on two pillars; the Law and the Priesthood. Both are needed, as you keep the law to keep the Covenant, and you need the Priest to restore the holiness of the nation when the law is broken.
Base forms of government:
Monarch -- Single ruler of the nation/kingdom/empire, known as emperor or king.
Oligarch -- small group of unelected leaders.
Republic -- elected (?) representatives.
Democracy -- mob rule.
Newer forms of government:
Technocracy -- turning society into a machine, all resourses are accounted for and tracked. People are included as one of many resources.
Socialism -- A twin to communism, sometimes idealized as proper communism. Seems to be used interchangeably with communism. Fully developed socialism turns the government into god and does not allow religion to exist.
Communism -- common belongings. This is most often a lie, as the poor become extremely poor and the rich become extremely rich.
Marxism -- Socialism modified by Karl Marx.
American -- Democracy within a republic. Based off western european values (grandfather) and Anglo-Saxon values (father). The system is designed with assimilation in mind and the "branches" shift culturally as other cultures assimilate into America. The "root" must be unchanging or else the system collapses; a common law and a common language and unalienable rights with a common interest in liberty. The favored European philosopher seems to be John Locke. The Founders appealed to the Christians when designing the system, but the system is areligious. The moral fabric is outsourced to the people which means the system is succeptible to collapse when morallity faulters.
Parliament -- Government run by a legislative body.
One World Order -- Single ruler of all nations, he is known in the Bible as the Son of Perdition.
Marxism -- Socialism modified by Karl Marx.
Is there a Christian government?
No, because government is not for the Christian. The Christian represents a foreign kingdom and is an ambassador for this kingdom. The Christian follows the laws of the world in faith toward Jesus Christ, who promised that his eternal Kingdom is coming to reign over all other kingdoms; this is effectively a "maintain until further orders" command.
Christian government cannot be truly Christian, because of the problem of double-mindedness, that is trying to compromise what "needs" to be done with Christian works. So, how far can a Christian government go? I think community to town size, depending on the percentage of believers to unbelievers. The problem becomes ruling over the unbelievers, as they are under the world, and not Christ. You cannot have two rulers, which is why Christian rule has to be voluntary. What this means is that a Christian is "self" governing, through his conviction to his faith, and holds himself to the higher standard found in the example of Jesus Christ. This high standard cannot be enforced, because the Christian law is a mindset, that is, a law for the mind; the laws of the world deal in the physical -- as who can enforce the thoughts of man?. What then happens is we get a "common" law for all and the "full" law for the Christians. The Christian is now set up as an example to all who are unbelievers, modeling the better law to the unbelievers, who tend to struggle with law-keeping due to their sin-nature. This either draws them toward Christ, or repels them; which in turn changes the percentage of the community in favor of Christianity, as they either join or leave. The Christian believes that any who are not repelled are being drawn in, even if it takes a long time. This means Christians are generally neighborly to unbelievers around them. The governments of the world are usually not pleased with Christians (because of these traits), but the Christian should be above reproach. This means the governments cannot help but advertise the Gospel whenever they turn against Christianity; this is assuming that the governed area does not cast out it's Christians.
Something to note: The morality of the powers degrade as you move up the ranks; the federal government has the least. This makes sense, as the government is created for service to the creator (the citizen). The town exists to protect the citizens, the county exists to protect the towns; the state is there to protect the counties; and the federal government is there to protect the states. Each one is another step away from the man and another step removed from his problems. This means that the "high" is more broad and standardized and the "low" is more deep and specialized, the high exists to lessen the menial workload of the "low" and the "low" discovers more freedom because of the existence of the "high".
The pseudo rulers of the world want to add another level above the federal government; the world order/council of nations.
This moral degradation also works in favor of the Christian. as he holds his own morality and accountability to God the Father. This means that he can affect the failing morality of the country by starting with the weakest group, the individual. This spreads the inner morality to another, who will no longer need a governor to tell him what morality is and is not.
Was America Founded for Christians?
In the past, America's population had a Christian majority. The first settlers of the country as we know it were English, the French focused on the northern part of the continent which became Canada and the Spanish focused on the southern part which became Latin America. The majority of the English settlers were Christians seeking religious freedom from state churches. The Founders of the nation's government were enlightened and/or masonic "social" Christians, with a few true Christians serving in the lower positions (very rarely do we get a true Christian president). What we see forming is a double-minded nation that is tolerant to all beliefs.
The Christian part of the nation became "Judeo-Christian" at around the 1960s, which means Christian, but controlled (handled) by Israel. The population has been drifting away from Christianity, this appears to be caused by compromise and what Jesus calls strangulation by tares. All hope is not lost, as the remaining Christians have proven to be strong believers, albeit few in numbers.