Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into [your] house, neither bid him God speed: 11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
(2 John 1:9-11)
THE Cult Cards
Finding Jesus Test:​
Who is the real Jesus?​​​
The world thinks that it knows Jesus:
The atheists say he was a teacher, or that he never existed.
The Jews say he was a mad cult leader.
The Muslims say he was the second greatest prophet.
The Buddhists say he reached enlightenment.
Wrong ​
The Mormons say he is an angel, and he is the brother of the devil.
The Adventists say he is a new law giver.
The Hindus say he is one of 33 million deities.
The ancient Greeks thought his story was madness.
The ancient Romans thought he was a Jew.
The Catholics see him as a lucky charm and a means to control the people.
The modern church sees him as a draw for people and a means for riches.
The liberal church sees him as accepting and loving of everybody.​
All of these groups take an idea from the true Jesus, but they are all incomplete or twisted, as every Jesus on this list is incapable of saving you from judgement and destruction.​
Jesus said to his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Truly following Christ requires YOU to realize and accept who he is. If someone or some religion is telling you of Jesus, and you only know Jesus through their lens, you are not a Christian. You can’t be saved on your Christian friend’s coat-tails or your church’s version of Jesus. YOU need to come to the realization, yourself. The same goes for me, I can show you Jesus and try to explain him to you and who he is, but you cannot truly know Him until you know Him, and you will know when you truly know Him.
Mat 16:13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some [say that thou art] John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. (all these answers are wrong) 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
Jesus, his titles and their meanings:​
Son of God -- This means he is literally "of God". Think of it as you take your father's name, so you are of your father. Jesus inherited his Father's name, because he has no earthly father. This is why he was born of a virgin.
Messiah/Christ -- This means that he has been separated as a priest for his people. You cannot elect yourself as a priest, you must be chosen, and you must come from a line of priests. The word Christ means "to be anointed with oil"; this is how the Jewish priests were brought into service. Also, Jewish priests were typically in service until they died.
Son of David -- The kings of Israel come from David's house; this is the first prerequisite to being king of Israel. This also has to do with prophesy, as the Jewish Deliverer would also be king. Jesus legally fulfilled this through his adopted dad, Joseph.
King of the Jews -- The rightful ruler and heir to the Jews and their kingdom (Israel). Something to note: The king is king until he dies or is overthrown. If Jesus came back from the dead never to die again, and if he is rightfully king, then he is King of the Jews forever. This title also encompasses judge and executioner.
Savior/Deliverer -- One who saves. The Savior delivers the children of God from the evil of the world.
Lamb of God -- The sacrifice and payment for the purchase of many. This was fulfilled by his crucifixion. An important note: The sacrifice had to be without blemish, which is symbolic of being without sin (sin is missing the mark), this means the Lamb of God had to have lived an absolutely sinless life. The sacrifice had to be the Lord God, because man cannot pay back the debt of his fellow men; and the Lord God had to have come as a man, because he is purchasing back mankind. Jesus the Lamb opens the seven seals in Revelation.
I Am -- This title means Jesus has claimed that he is the Father, the title means "I exist", and means before anything else existed, he existed. This is a Jewish term, and it was given in a way to force the Jews to act, Jesus effectively forced the Jews to either accept or reject him, there was no room left for ignorance.
Lord -- Think of medieval times, this means you serve him as your master. Also, it has an understanding of exclusivity, as one cannot serve two masters.
Son of Man, i.e., Son of Adam -- In order to be an effective priest, it is important to be able to relate to those you serve. Jesus accomplished this by living a "normal" life in "human" flesh. This life was filled with trials, temptations, and tribulation. Not only did he live through these, but he also conquered them without sinning or compromising -- something only he could do. GOD came as a man, because he came to save man. Jesus, the Son of Man conquers the Earth's kingdoms in Revelation, don't be deceived, the "human" Jesus is the only Jesus that can accomplish this feat.
Immanuel -- This was the prophesied name for the Messiah, it means "with us is El", El is the name of the Father.
The Word -- This means Jesus is the doctrine of the Gospel and the doctrine of GOD the Father. He manifests GOD's traits and personality, because these are his as much as they are the Father's, as Jesus and the Father are one. The root word is logos (G3056).
Prophet -- Revelation 19:10 reveals that the testimony of Jesus is spirit of prophesy. This means all prophesy is for Jesus' glory, as it is showing his plan playing out; prophesy is an account of the events that will happen given by a messenger of the king.
Judge --
Authenticity Litmus Test:
Most important: the Cornerstone; View on Jesus: (See above section)
He is "With us is El", He fulfills the Law, He is the coming king.
View on the Bible:
It is Doctrine of Christ, it is perfect, it cannot be understood without the Holy Spirit, it can be translated. The Bible is how we know the will of God.
View on Old Testament:
It provides lessons and examples that point to Jesus Christ. It is shown as representing the same things as the New Testament, but it was physical, the New Testament shows that the truth of the matter is spiritual.
View on Paul:
He is chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle to the Gentiles. He became God's replacement for Judas. His teachings are doctrine.
View on Bible Translations:
The translation must be based on Received Text, as the Alexandrian text is different.
This is minor point in the larger Salvation scheme of things, it is more about creating a healthy environment for growth. You should still fellowship with those who do not believe this.​
View on Israel:
All Believers are Israel, the Jews lost their birthright and need to repent. Jesus is the vine, the Jews were cut off; we -- who in times before were a wild vine -- were grafted in. The Jews can be grafted back into the vine of Christ, but they must be converted through Jesus' sacrifice.
This is a divisive point in the larger Salvation scheme of things, it is more of a comfort to the individual Christian than a reason to break fellowship. Salt is needed when speaking on this, as believers in the state of Israel may take this statement as a declaration of war.​
View on Freemasons:
The group is evil and is not to be tolerated within the Church. Freemasons are covert Satan worshippers.​
View on Faith:
Faith is how you enter into the New Covenant and Faith is the means of your keeping the New Covenant. Works come out naturally, and serve as evidence of the presence of faith.
View on Grace:
Grace is what is being offered through Christ by the Father, it is the New Covenant.
View on Biblical knowledge:
There is both searchable and unsearchable Biblical knowledge. The unsearchable can only be discovered by revelation. Those seeking will be shown the unsearchable, as the search shows the love toward the Father and He is a rewarder of those who search for Him.
Tools From The Past:​
The Five Solas of the Reformation:​​​​​​
Sola Gratia
By Grace Alone: You are saved by grace, God the Father's grace. Nothing else saves and no one else can clear your sins and give you eternal life. God's grace is entered into through the method He laid out, that is coming to His Son and asking Jesus to come in and set you right.​​
Sola Scriptura​
Scripture Alone: This is to prevent tradition or the Church hierarchy from gate-keeping Salvation and Biblical knowledge.
Sola Fide
By Faith Alone: This is to keep you from relying on anything other than your faith in Christ and his sacrifice as your entry into the Covenant of Grace.
Solus Christus
By Christ Alone: Christ is the man with the plan, come to Him and let Him guide you back home to Heaven. This also is a warning against sacraments as a means of gaining favor with Jesus or God the Father.​
Soli Deo Gloria
To the Glory of God Alone: Christians point to Christ and Christ points to the Father, we should not mistake God using us as our own skill or genius -- it is given to us in order to further the Kingdom of Heaven (including Christ's Kingdom on Earth). Whenever praise is given to us in regard to God's work, let it be known, that the glory is to God alone.​
M.O.G. Notes:​
God saves us through his grace.​
God's grace is tied to a plan, this plan is known through Scripture, this Scripture is given to man by God so that we may know Him and know His plan.
God's plan is completed through love, the evidence of this love is proven through the action of God giving His only begotten Son as the means of salvation (being saved). Jesus Christ is the key piece and this plan of God exists to prepare the stage for Jesus' arrival.
God provides half of the solution to our predicament, and He shows His goodwill toward us by sending His son. Our half to the solution to our problem (which is sin unto judgement unto death), is faith.
Faith is in God, but it is multi-faceted: we have faith in God that He will provide a plan, we have faith in the plan (the plan of Grace as revealed in Scripture), we have faith in the man with the plan (Jesus Christ), we have faith that the man can accomplish the plan (as he is chosen by God for this purpose).
The Glory of God is realizing that all things are happening according to the plan and allowing these realizations to strengthen us on our journey and mission on earth to Heaven. If God gave you what you needed to start the journey, He will continue to provide the necessary provisions and gear to get through all trials and adversaries.
Anti-Christ Groups:​
​Zionism: Jewish cult created by Rothchild family, they have a superiority complex and want to rule the world as a Jewish Empire with two sets of laws, laws for them and "Noahide" laws for everyone else. Noahide laws are not the law as given to Noah, but rather laws loosely based on the Ten Commandments and the earlier laws given to Noah. This will set up Christians as heretics who worship the Godhead as pagan gods. Perhaps represented by the two missing tribes of Israel in Revelation.
Freemasonry:​​ An open-to-all "secret" society of initiated knowledge and brotherhood. They are infiltrators that seal the participants by an oath of secrecy. Those sealed are told that their loyalties are first and foremost to the brotherhood, even above their religious convictions. The 33rd degree is when the veil is removed and Freemasonry is revealed fully to be a Satanic church. The Masons infiltrate all positions that carry influence, including the Christian Church. A recruiting ground for many secret societies.
Mormonism: A combination of Christianity, Islam and Freemasonry. The Mormons have extra books in their Bible that make the Gospel ineffective at saving the individual.
Illuminati and Secret Societies: The true secret societies, these are invitation-only and few know of their existence. Supposedly, you must be a 33rd degree mason just for the chance of receiving an invitation to the Illuminati. This is even more exclusive than it seems, because the 33rd degree of Masonry is also invitation only. All constructs of Satan resemble pyramids, and the Illuminati is a higher tier than Freemasonry on Satan's pyramid.​​
Scientology: Kind of a "free-radical" church of Satan that doesn't play nicely with others. Built off the backs of a serf class of new believers. Emphasizes psychological mind-control and legal strong-arm tactics, including binding contracts designed to enslave you to the cause. Century City, CA is where the headquarters are located.
​Man Cannot Serve Two Masters:​
Man and Modern Idolatry: A chain of thought exercise:
GOD as man's god: (GOD is above man; GOD is above nature; GOD is above the heavenly bodies)
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them...
Who is your god?
The Christian GOD is above all things and creator of all things.​
Nature can be your god.
Nature leaves no room for GOD, as nature becomes your creator.
Heavenly bodies can be your god.
Heavenly bodies leave no room for GOD, as this sets man up as a rebel against GOD.
Man can be your god.
​Man leaves no room for GOD, as he removes GOD from the world around him.
Science says there is no God.
Logic says there is no God.
Government lets men act like gods.
Invention promises to make men gods.
Heavenly bodies as man's god (The heavenly bodies are above man; the heavenly bodies are below GOD)
Man serves heavenly bodies in hope of receiving favor from heavenly bodies.
Satan (a heavenly body) is worshipped as God.
Man/Humanity as man's god (Man is created by a god, either GOD or Heavenly Bodies; or Man is created by Nature)
If created by GOD:
Expected to serve GOD.
Given rule over nature by GOD.
If created by heavenly bodies:
Expected to serve and obey heavenly bodies.
If created by nature:
Expected to serve nature.
If rebellious:
Serves himself and/or his tribe.
Instinct and base desire as man's god (survival of man as man's idol)
Food, shelter, reproduction.
What happens when you are challenged?
What happens when you are defeated?
Man has limited capacity to save himself and is easily overwhelmed.
The Tribe or the Country as man's god (men united)
Men can save each other as long as man is alive.
Men can turn on man, thus bringing death to man.
Forms out of instinct and base desires.
Government as man's god (created by man)
If government came from GOD, stolen/borrowed from GOD.
Created from Laws and Morals of man.
Created to control and protect Tribes/Countries of men.
Created for the survival of man.
Run by the "strong".
Promises rights to the "weak".
Money as man's god (created by man)
According to God: The love of money is the root of all evil.
Represents time and effort spent and/or the value of goods.
Fake money means fake representation.
Money becomes a representation of power and control, as money can purchase almost anything.
Money, by definition is not real, it represents "value". Because of this, it is the very definition of an idol, as value is in the eye of the beholder. This god cannot save you as it is only a shadow.
Consumerism as man's god (created by man)​
Overconsumption by the people for the development of a nation.
The growth of the nation is tied directly to the consumption of it's citizens.
This is a trick of government to build national wealth.
Promises happiness through possessions, possessions through wealth.
This happiness is fleeting and is controlled by the so-called "law" of diminishing returns.
Living a good life is only a part of true happiness, it is worthless without the fear of God and the keeping of His commandments. Wealth should come after these first things, and true wealth is not merely money and possessions, but blessing from God.
Read Ecclesiastes and Job for the understanding of the relationship between man, wealth, and God.
Remember Jesus' words on money and blessing; money leads man away from God; God blesses his children and provides for their needs.
Imagination of man, e.g. constructs/idols as man's god (created by man)
Usually created to cover the failures of man, as an ideal or something holy.
Physical idols are created for the weak.
Ideas are the idols of the strong.
Religion as man's god (created by man; revealed to man)
Religion is the structure built around belief.
It is how man reaches god, or man's system created to help man reach god.
It is defined as repetition.
It is only effective at reaching God when done according to God's guidelines.
If it is not to God's guidelines, it exists merely to control the instincts and base desire of man.
Science as man's god (either discovered by man or divine revelation; ) (Formal Science; Natural Science; Social Science)
Science is the process of discovery and cataloging discoveries and is using the discoveries for inventions.
Information from discoveries is processed through a framework of man, if the information withstands the process, the information is set up as an unshakeable pillar of truth. New discoveries provide new information, the end result is a complete archive of the operations of the world.
The catalogue is used to "invent" something new.
Science is discovering something that already exists, especially it's operation and function.
If science is discovery, can discovery alone save the man?
If you recreate the operation and function of a discovery using the knowledge from said discovery, how are you superior to the science?
If Science comes from GOD, it is stolen glory, it does not belong to man as man merely discovers.
Invention promises eternal life through transhumanism and world peace through technocracy.
Becomes a deceiver to man, as science cannot save.
Science becomes a god after enough becomes known, as man's importance is reduced by the vastness of discoveries. Man will then become a servant to science whose duty is to continually discover, without any moral restraint or concern for what may happen because of these discoveries.
Law as man's god (created by man; or created by God)
Law is how to deal with wrong.
Law is for man; animals and nature are exempt.
If this is true, then man makes law and law is relative; or God created law for man and law is absolute.
Morality as man's god (created by man; or divine revelation)
Morality is what is right.
Is morality actually morality?
On whose authority?
If on God's authority, how do you know God's morality?
Through God's account of man, the Bible.
If on Man's authority, which man?
What is man's morality outside of God?
Man's morality is as shifting sand.​
Trusting in the goodness of man is the religion of Humanism.
Man's morality is vanity, as it gives man permission to rule over his fellow man.
Man's morality becomes a construct of man, an idol.​
Logic as man's god (created by man)
Logic is to govern information through rules.
Logic is considered a formal science
Information is processed through a mental framework of man, if the information withstands the process, the information is set up as a pillar of truth.
Supposed to work hand-in-hand with philosophy.
Limited by man, as it comes from man.
Vanity, as man thinks he can figure out how creation works.
Becomes a construct of man, an idol.
Philosophy as man's god (created by man)
Philosophy is to love wisdom; the study of concepts and ideas.
Philosophy works hand-in-hand with logic.
Philosophy is the driving force to logic's restraint.
Limited by man as it comes from man.​
Vanity, as man thinks he can truly understand wisdom.
Becomes a construct of man, an idol.
Nature/The Earth as man's god (created alongside man; or according to science, gave birth to man)
If God exists, nature is below man, below heavenly bodies, below God.
If God does not exist, nature is above man.
Harmony/Zen as man's god (created by man; or discovered by man)
Zen is supposed to be the religion of the Earth, e.g. the One Religion of all nature.
Man's attempt to become unified with the creation instead of the Creator.
Turns the creation into an idol, as man sees himself as something less than the creation and begins to serve the creation over himself, over other men, and over God.
This thinking debases man, and destroys the mentality of man, as he becomes worthless and destructive in the grand scheme of the world. Man must prove himself to be more "giver" than "taker". Man becomes the problem and man must sacrifice for the greater good, that is the well-being of the Earth and her creatures.
This "god" has it's own set of priests and doctrines, these are the mystics and scientists who tell you how the earth is dying and that only by great sacrifice can she be save.
Questions for the Reader:
Does your god suffer lack without your provisions?
Is your god weakened if you do not provide care?
What kind of god needs the help of weak man?
Can your master save you?
Do you need to save your master?
Does your master care enough to even save you?
Will your master save you?
How does your master change your behavior? For the better or for the worse?
​Mat 7:13-27 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
The Rainbow Flag:​
The rainbow flag is a religious symbol, the religion is humanism.
The rainbow flag is a cultural symbol. When you fly the flag, you tell the world that you are progressive and you believe the following: You do not let the past form the future, you believe in "happiness for all", you believe in tolerance, you believe in equity.
The rainbow flag represents sexual deviants, or people who don't agree with the Lord God's view on man and woman.
The flag has a defining trademark and rallying cry: Pride.
The movement has manifested a "bill of rights" in the form of the In This House banner.
The rainbow flag is showing unity, but not a nation's unity. This is an attempt at "global" unity outside of a nation's borders, the flag represents the hope of acceptance of all people and all "outsiders" (the represented deviant groups).
Question: Why do we need the sexual deviants to spearhead this movement? As a humanist movement, there are many groups who could have been chosen, yet they seemed to have settled on the sexual deviants.
My answer: The sexual deviants have been chosen by the humanists as the religious priesthood for the humanist movement.
Question: If this started as a movement for deviants, why has the world changed the movement to be for all humanity?
My answer: I don't believe this movement has been changed, just the propaganda surrounding the movement, it has always been humanism.
Question: Why a rainbow?
Answer: This is a show of rebellion toward the Bible and God the Father. The Rainbow represents the covenant between God and man (Noah), that God would not again destroy man upon the Earth by water. The rainbow flag mocks this covenant and mocks the maker of the covenant, as the rainbow symbol has been twisted to represent "rights for sinners" and "sexual deviants are to be celebrated". The trademark of pride has a double purpose: first, it tells those outside the movement that "they" should be ashamed of their hatred (anything that is not full acceptance is hatred) and secondly, it encourages those within the movement to be proud of their sin and to celebrate the sin as good.​